I was looking for a way to host my comments on GitHub Issues when I stumbled upon Paul Knopf’s blog post where he was able to generate his blog post’s comments server side. Since I didn’t want to use client-side scripting to render and post comments or rely on a GitHub App like Utterances, I decided to adapt his approach to my Jekyll based blog.

Note: His implementation was done before GitHub Actions matured, so I was able to take it a step further and have GitHub trigger the Netlify build hook for my blog any time a comment is created, edited, or deleted.

Add Blog Post Front Matter

In each blog post’s front-matter, add a GitHub Issue ID field that points to the comment thread for that page.

comment_issue_id: 3

Convert GitHub API to HTML Snippets

Then loop through each posts front matter, using Octokit to query the issues comments and auto-generate HTML snippets in the _includes/comments directory based on the issue’s number.

In this example script the comments are styled using Tachyons, but it is possible to customize how the HTML is generated. This script allows for comments to be generated for all posts, ruby comments.rb, or for a single issue based on its number, ruby comments.rb 3.

If your build system supports environmental variables, you can securely store your GitHub Personal Access Token in ENV["COMMENTS_TOKEN"] to prevent it from being stored in plain text.

Note: The GitHub API rate limiting allows for 60 unauthenticated requests per hour, so the script will run locally, even with ENV["COMMENTS_TOKEN"] being unset.

require 'octokit'
require 'yaml'
require 'kramdown'

repo = 'jdillard/blog-comments'
issue = ARGV[0]

# Set access token
client = Octokit::Client.new(:access_token => ENV["COMMENTS_TOKEN"])

# Configure client
client.auto_paginate = true

def create_comments(client, repo, issue_id)
  File.open("source/_includes/comments/" + issue_id.to_s  + ".html","w") do |f|
    if client.issue(repo, issue_id).comments > 0
      # Loop over comments and write out comment file
      client.issue_comments(repo, issue_id).each do |comment|
        # count reactions for each comment
        reactions = Hash.new
        client.issue_comment_reactions(repo, comment["id"]).each do |reaction|
          if reaction["content"] === "+1"
            reactions.key?("plusOne") ? reactions["plusOne"] +=  1 : reactions["plusOne"] = 1
          if reaction["content"] === "-1"
            reactions["minusOne"] ? reactions["minusOne"] +=  1 : reactions["minusOne"] = 1
          if reaction["content"] === "laugh"
            reactions["laugh"] ? reactions["laugh"] +=  1 : reactions["laugh"] = 1
          if reaction["content"] === "hooray"
            reactions["hooray"] ? reactions["hooray"] +=  1 : reactions["hooray"] = 1
          if reaction["content"] === "confused"
            reactions["confused"] ? reactions["confused"] +=  1 : reactions["confused"] = 1
          if reaction["content"] === "heart"
            reactions["heart"] ? reactions["heart"] +=  1 : reactions["heart"] = 1
          if reaction["content"] === "eyes"
            reactions["eyes"] ? reactions["eyes"] +=  1 : reactions["eyes"] = 1
          if reaction["content"] === "rocket"
            reactions["rocket"] ? reactions["rocket"] +=  1 : reactions["rocket"] = 1
        f << '<div class="comment flex flex-row">'+"\n"
        f << '  <div class="mr3">'+"\n"
        f << '    <a href="' + comment["user"]["html_url"] + '" target="_blank">'+"\n"
        f << '        <img class="br2 mw3" src="' +  comment["user"]["avatar_url"] + '"/>'+"\n"
        f << '    </a>'+"\n"
        f << '  </div>'+"\n"
        f << '  <div class="flex relative flex-column ba b--light-gray br1 mb3 w-100">'+"\n"
        f << '    <div class="f6 ph3 pv2 bg-near-white bb b--light-gray gray">'+"\n"
        f << '        <a href="' + comment["user"]["html_url"] + '" target="_blank" class="mid-gray b link">' + comment["user"]["login"] + '</a> commented on'+"\n"
        f << '        <a href="' + comment["html_url"] + '" target="_blank" class="gray link">'+"\n"
        f << '            <relative-time datetime="' + comment["created_at"].to_i.to_s + '">'+"\n"
        f << '               ' + comment["created_at"].strftime("%B %d, %Y") + "\n"
        f << '            </relative-time>'+"\n"
        f << '        </a>&nbsp;'
                        comment["updated_at"] === comment["created_at"] ? f << "\n" : f << "(edited)\n"
        f << '    </div>'+"\n"
        f << '    <div class="body pv2 ph3 black-70">'+"\n"
        f << '      ' + Kramdown::Document.new(comment["body"], :input => 'GFM', :syntax_highlighter => 'rouge').to_html+"\n"
        f << '    </div>'+"\n"
        f << '    <div class="bt b--light-gray gray">'+"\n"
        f << '      <ul class="flex flex-wrap pl0 mv0 list">'+"\n"
                    reactions.each do |reaction, count|
        f << '        <li class="pv2 ph3 br b--light-gray">'+"\n"
                        if reaction === "plusOne"
        f << '          <g-emoji alias="+1" fallback-src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f44d.png" class="v-mid">'+"\n"
        f << '            <img class="v-mid" alt="+1" height="20" width="20" src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f44d.png">'+"\n"
        f << '          </g-emoji>' + count.to_s + "\n"
                        if reaction === "minusOne"
        f << '          <g-emoji alias="-1" fallback-src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f44e.png" class="v-mid">'+"\n"
        f << '            <img class="v-mid" alt="-1" height="20" width="20" src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f44e.png">'+"\n"
        f << '          </g-emoji>' + count.to_s + "\n"
                        if reaction === "laugh"
        f << '          <g-emoji alias="smile" fallback-src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f604.png" class="v-mid">'+"\n"
        f << '            <img class="v-mid" alt="smile" height="20" width="20" src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f604.png">'+"\n"
        f << '          </g-emoji>' + count.to_s + "\n"
                        if reaction === "hooray"
        f << '          <g-emoji alias="tada" fallback-src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f389.png" class="v-mid">'+"\n"
        f << '            <img class="v-mid" alt="tada" height="20" width="20" src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f389.png">'+"\n"
        f << '          </g-emoji>' + count.to_s + "\n"
                        if reaction === "confused"
        f << '          <g-emoji alias="thinking_face" fallback-src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f615.png" class="v-mid">'+"\n"
        f << '            <img class="v-mid" alt="thinking_face" height="20" width="20" src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f615.png">'+"\n"
        f << '          </g-emoji>' + count.to_s + "\n"
                        if reaction === "heart"
        f << '          <g-emoji alias="heart" fallback-src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/2764.png" class="v-mid">'+"\n"
        f << '            <img class="v-mid" alt="heart" height="20" width="20" src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/2764.png">'+"\n"
        f << '          </g-emoji>' + count.to_s + "\n"
                        if reaction === "eyes"
        f << '          <g-emoji alias="eyes" fallback-src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f440.png" class="v-mid">'+"\n"
        f << '            <img class="v-mid" alt="eyes" height="20" width="20" src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f440.png">'+"\n"
        f << '          </g-emoji>' + count.to_s + "\n"
                        if reaction === "rocket"
        f << '          <g-emoji alias="rocket" fallback-src="https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f680.png" class="v-mid">'+"\n"
        f << '            <img class="v-mid" alt="rocket" height="20" width="20" src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f680.png">'+"\n"
        f << '          </g-emoji>' + count.to_s + "\n"
        f << '        </li>'+"\n"
        f << '      </ul>'+"\n"
        f << '    </div>'+"\n"
        f << '  </div>'+"\n"
        f << '</div>'+"\n"
      f << '<div class="pa3 tc ba b--light-gray black-70 mb3">'+"\n"
      f << '  <a href="https://github.com/' + repo + '/issues/' + issue_id.to_s + '" class="b mid-gray">Join the discussion on GitHub</a>'+"\n"
      f << '</div>'
      f << '<div class="pa3 tc ba b--light-gray black-70 mb3">'+"\n"
      f << '  There are currently no comments. <a href="https://github.com/' + repo + '/issues/' + issue_id.to_s + '" class="b mid-gray">Leave a comment on GitHub</a>'+"\n"
      f << '</div>'

if issue
  File.delete('source/_includes/comments/' + issue + '.html') if File.exist?('source/_includes/comments/' + issue + '.html')
  create_comments(client, repo, issue)
  # clear the old crags markdown files
  Dir.foreach('source/_includes/comments') do |f|
    fn = File.join('source/_includes/comments', f)
    File.delete(fn) if f != '.' && f != '..'

  # Loop through blog posts and grab front matter
  Dir.glob("source/_posts/*.md") do |blog_post|
    front_matter = YAML.load_file(blog_post)
    # Get page.comments listed in front matter if published is true
    if front_matter["published"] === true && front_matter["comment_issue_id"]
      create_comments(client, repo, front_matter["comment_issue_id"])

Include HTML Snippet in Post Layout

In the post layout, check if the comment_issue_id field exists before including the auto-generated comment snippet related to that blog post. In this example the snippet would be located at _includes/comments/3.html.

{% if page.comment_issue_id %}
  {% include {{ page.comment_issue_id | prepend: "comments/" | append: ".html" }} %}
{% endif %}

Style the Rendered Markdown

Then add a stylesheet for the rendered markdown that makes up the body of each comment.

      color: #FF725C
      text-decoration: none
      color: #FF725C
      text-decoration: underline
      border-left: 3px solid #ccc
      margin-left: 15px
        padding: 5px 0 5px 10px
    & > p > code
      background-color: #efefef
      padding: 2px
      font-size: .9em
    pre > code
      padding: 10px
      display: block
      white-space: pre
      font-size: .9em
      list-style: none
      padding-left: 20px
      margin-right: 5px

Create the GitHub Action

Use a GitHub Action to trigger a build any time an issue comment is created, edited, or deleted. Store the deploy key as an encrypted secret to prevent it from being stored in plain text.

name: Trigger Netlify Build

on: issue_comment

    name: Request Netlify Webhook
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Curl request
          ISSUE_ID: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
        run: >
          curl -X POST -d '{"scripts": "comments", "arguments": "'$ISSUE_ID'"}' https://api.netlify.com/build_hooks/$NETLIFY_DEPLOY_KEY

Create a Build Script

Finally, create a build script so that logic can be wrapped around the environmental variables that the builder passes.

#!/bin/bash -x

function urldecode() { : "${*//+/ }"; echo -e "${_//%/\\x}"; }

if [ -n "${INCOMING_HOOK_BODY}"]; then
  PAYLOAD=$(urldecode "${INCOMING_HOOK_BODY}")
  SCRIPTS_STRING=$(echo "${PAYLOAD}" | jq -r .scripts)
  ARGUMENTS_STRING=$(echo "${PAYLOAD}" | jq -r .arguments)

  case "$SCRIPTS_STRING" in
      bundle exec ruby comments.rb $ARGUMENTS_STRING

bundle exec jekyll build --source source
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