If you have ever set up a sphinx project you have probably reached the point where you want to start automating the build and deploy part of the creation process. This can be done several ways, but I chose git hooks going into a Jenkins pipeline using Docker agents. I am also doing this as a single branch deploy using the master branch, how you get your source onto master is up to you.
Jenkins pipelines allow for scripting of the build process, from setting up the environment to deploying assets. The main tasks of this sphinx build pipeline are to:
- Boot the environment.
- Pull the latest source code.
- Install the latest dependencies.
- Build the sphinx site.
- Deploy the generated HTML.
Side Note: To see a live example of a sphinx site using continuous deployment and integration with Travis-CI and Netlify, check out the continuous-sphinx repository.
As mentioned, sphinx is a documentation generator written in Python. So it made
sense to use requirements.txt
to define the dependencies and a virtual
environment to install them in. I also put all of my source documents (including
conf.py) into a directory called source
to keep them separate from the
build files.
├── .dockerignore
├── Dockerfile
├── Jenkinsfile
├── requirements.txt
├── rsync-exclude.txt
└── source
├── conf.py
├── _static
└── index.rst
Before you start, you will also need to hook in your SCM (source control manager) into Jenkins as well as install and configure some plugins. You will also need an external Docker host or to install it locally.
Jenkins Plugins Required:
Note: I won’t be covering that part here, but will try to in future writings.
Building the pipeline
The build environment is created using the Dockerfile that is stored in the repository. This file isn’t expected to change often, but modifications can be made over time. It can also be used for similar, yet customized, sphinx jobs with little overhead.
FROM debian
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
rsync \
openssh-client \
python \
python-pip \
RUN pip install virtualenv
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
To prevent the docker build
process from including the repository’s unnecessary
files in the build process, add a .dockerignore with the following:
# ignore all unnecessary files
The Dockerfile is referenced in a Jenkinsfile, also stored in the repository, that defines the pipeline process. The parts of the environment that are more likely to change are built out in this file, and the build files it references.
pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
filename "Dockerfile"
args "-u root" //needed to get around permission issues
environment {
BUILD_DIR = './_built'
SOURCE_DIR = './source'
DEPLOY_HOST = 'deployer@www.example.com:/path/to/docs/'
stages {
stage('Install Dependencies') {
steps {
// virtualenv may not be necessary with root,
// but I still think it's a good idea.
sh '''
virtualenv pyenv
. pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -r ${SPHINX_DIR}/requirements.txt
stage('Build') {
steps {
// clear out old files
sh 'rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR}'
sh 'rm -f ${SPHINX_DIR}/sphinx-build.log'
sh '''
${WORKSPACE}/pyenv/bin/sphinx-build \
-q -w ${SPHINX_DIR}/sphinx-build.log \
-b html \
-d ${BUILD_DIR}/doctrees ${SOURCE_DIR} ${BUILD_DIR}
post {
failure {
sh 'cat ${SPHINX_DIR}/sphinx-build.log'
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
sshagent(credentials: ['deployer']) {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
rm -f ${SPHINX_DIR}/rsync.log
RSYNCOPT=(-aze 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no')
rsync "${RSYNCOPT[@]}" \
--exclude-from=${SPHINX_DIR}/rsync-exclude.txt \
--log-file=${SPHINX_DIR}/rsync.log \
--delete \
post {
failure {
sh 'cat ${SPHINX_DIR}/rsync.log'
Troubleshooting tips
Chances are you aren’t going to nail it on the first try, so here are some tips to help you get through:
On the Jenkins host, run docker images
to see a list of images that have
been created by Jenkins jobs. Any time a change is made to the Dockerfile
and it needs to rebuild, you will have to delete the now unused image with
docker rmi <image_id>
After you have a successful run of you pipeline, you can go to the build URL in Jenkins and use the Replay option. This option allows you edit the Jenkinsfile locally and rerun it on the same hook event instead of troubleshooting through a stream of commits. Once you have what you need working, you can commit changes to the Jenkinsfile in a planned manner.
Make sure to turn on log rotation for each pipeline and discard old builds, otherwise you’ll end up with a surprise later.